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Mamta Arora

NMC Specialty Hospital, UAE

Title: Masqueraders of breast cancer


Biography: Mamta Arora


Breast inflammation is usually associated with lactation and treatable easily with antibiotics and surgical drainage. The other important well known entity though less common is inflammatory breast carcinoma has clear international guidelines on treatment. There are many gray areas in the inflammatory non infective categories which are less commonly known, not recognized most of the time and very difficult to treat. I would like to discuss some of these Nonbacterial Inflammatory breast disorders that mimic malignancy:
1. Fat necrosis
2. Post traumatic breast inflammation
3. Post COVID breast inflammation
4. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis.

These disorders are great masqueraders of malignancy, difficult to treat, debilitating to the patient and cause a lot of anxiety. I would like to discuss these disorders and present a statistical analysis of 100 patients with these uncommon non-infective disorders of the breast in a private hospital in the Middle East along with the management plan and suggested guidelines.